Zenzie Tinker Conservation is more than just a conservation studio. We all came together through a love of textiles and craft and like nothing better than to share our expertise with the wider world. So we have created a small range of beautiful and useful products inspired by our work and lovingly made in our Brighton studio using the off-cuts from our projects.
We often get asked where particular tools or equipment come from so we plan to gradually expand our Craft & Create range to include some of our favourite conservation and crafting kit. Conservators tend to be very creative people, when we can’t find the perfect weight or sewing board we make it so some of the equipment we are offering has been purpose designed.
As conservators we have a wonderfully intimate relationship with the objects we conserve and we take a lot of photographs. Our range of cards and paper is a way of sharing the minute detail of our work with you. Do take time to visit our Craft & Create shop and have a look at our upcoming Workshops and Events page.
We have had an evening crafting group for some time and during the closure of the studio due to the pandemic we transferred the crafting evening online. Wednesday ‘Craft Night’ became a really important way of keeping our team in touch with each other while we were away from the studio. We have created a Pandemic Gallery to showcase some of the work we produced.
Regular crafting get togethers are something that we plan to expand once we are all able to get out and about more. If you are interested in participating in regular crafting and social events please to get in touch or sign up for our Newsletter – we look forward to welcoming you soon!