One of our most wonderful involvements has been with the ‘Inspired by Knole’ project for the National Trust. Over a six year period we conserved the wall coverings in one of the smallest rooms in the house and the wall coverings …
Hats off to Hats (Part 4)
Conservation of Hats Through an Intern’s Eyes by Emma Hartikka Tricky Treatments Unfolding The half way mark of my internship is now passed. I have already learned a lot about textile conservation and different treatments used. Through frustrations, problem solving, little successes and massive help from my colleagues, the secrets of some of the treatment …
2017- Dust and Teamwork
The main themes of this last busy year seem to have been dust and BIG, complex, dirty textiles. Oh and scaffolding. We bought our own scaffold tower this year and then had to buy extensions to make it even taller. The new equipment is great but what makes these big projects possible is the amazing …